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I am a freelance science writer. And an award-winning book author. With a PhD in molecular biology. My journalistic credits include Scientific American, Reuters, the New Scientist, Nature and many others. I help scientists communicating their work to the public and the media. I am often invited to talk. About genomics, biotech, science communication and research.
A collection of thoughts and observations via Audiodrome! Saturday, July 30, 2011. I look upon her with a sullen gaze. When the feeling fades,the recollection remains. The recollection that, we as lovers, are ultimately alone. The glimpse is all there is, and ever was. I hope one day to stay in that place,. Instead of looking at it through the window. For now remains only me,. And my love could die. Thursday, May 26, 2011. The air is thick,.
Raddoppiare la produzione mondiale di cibo tornando alla vita di campagna. In tutto il mondo, piccoli agricoltori vengono costretti a cedere le loro terre alle grandi aziende agricole e questo sarebbe giustificato dalla necessità di sfamare il mondo. Sono, però, le piccole realtà a produrre la maggior quantità di cibo e più terra viene loro sottratta, più la fame globale cresce. Restituiamo ai contadini la loro terra! Colori e sapori come ricompensa del duro lavoro. 160;e, su questa scia, la FAO.
Samedi 3 Octobre 2009 - 23h59. Du coup, nos velléités culturelles se transforment en arrêt dans une brasserie de la Sorbonne. Deux heures plus tard, il est temps de se diriger vers la Maroquinerie où nous serons vite rejoints par Maxime et Gonzo.
039;Since wars begin in the minds of men and women, it is in the minds of men and women that the defenses of peace must be constructed. To be held in Leuven on March 21, 2012. For more information about the conference, use this LINK. On February 14, 2012.